The Clark Family

The Clark Family

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pray for Crimsyn

Today I sit in my living room looking at the cradle that was suppose to be holding our precious son, and trying to fiqure out what to do with myself...For the last five months we have anticipated the birth of our son and as all parents do, had many dreams for his future. After leaving the hospital yesterday Michael and I went and told our kids and that was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. The children hugged each other as they sobbed and talked of how they did'nt want baby Crimsyn to live in the park, they are so broken hearted...We are just trying to go on and pick up the pieces and know that within those pieces God has a beautiful puzzle that all the pieces fit inside of and when it is all finished it will be his will and his way. As we made our journey home last night I was trying to make sense of all of this and trying to see some good and all I could think of was our precious little Crimsyn being homeless, and living in such poverty and knowing he is out there, that he is a living, breathing human being that I have touched his soft skin that I have felt the warmth of his little body and to know that I cannot take care of him and give him the things he needs in life is just more than I can wrap my head around, but with all of that being said I have to tell myself God is in control and he knows where Crimsyn is and he knows what the future holds. Even though this is a time of grieve for our entire family it is not prayer for us that I am asking it is for our little innocent child Crimsyn that God will send an Angel to care for him. Thank you all for your love and prayers!!


  1. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.

    We love you all so much and pray that the Lord guides y'all through this part of your journey.
    You are in our prayers!

    Drea and Joe David

  2. My prayers will also be for Crymson. It is overwhelming to have seen the life he will now live I am sure. When you know the shear poverty, because you have brought one out of it. When you have walked among those that have little or nothing, your world is forever changed. My husband says with our 3 we are finished (2 adopted, one miracle birth). My heart says there are more who need me, more who don't have/won't have/and never knew what family or lack of hunger and love is like. As followers of Jesus, we are his hands and feet. We must continue standing in the gap for those who don't know Jesus, for those who are poor and forsaken, for those who are orphaned and widowed. You have shown great love, God sized love to that family. And although Crymson may never know the love of your arms, his family will never forget the love of Christ that surrounded you. Keep standing in the gap for Christ! God is good in all this-- His purpose we don't understand but it is right.
    MUCH much Much love for you all-

  3. My heart sank and broke into a few pieces when I heard the news. I am so sorry for your loss, and please take whatever time and means you need to grieve. I understand; and the minute you need your friends we will be there.
    We all believe the Father has a plan, and there is a time and season for everything. It just doesn't help the way you FEEL. We as a church family have truly rejoiced when you rejoiced, and weep with you now.
    Your faith is strong, your courage great, your hearts are true, of this I have no doubt. We love you, and Crimsyn, and our prayers will continue to be with you all.

  4. There is power in prayer!! Is all I could think of when I heard about what had happen, I would try to pray, then start singing! POWER IN PRAYER!! WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!my childern thinks of you as family!! much love & prayers!!

  5. Hey, just wanted y'all to know we are thinking of you and hoping you're feeling God's peace way down deep in your souls.
    Love y'all,

  6. I have heard about your situation and the only thing that I can think about is to tell you about me. I was 2 and put into foster care and my parents proceeded with adoption of me. After 2 years of loving and caring for me, my biological mother decided to take me back. My parents were heart broken. A wonderful Sister got in touch with the Lord and he let her know that I would be back. Mom said out of the blue one day, she got a phone call and a little voice (mine) on the other end said, "Mama, will you come get me". Everything worked out. I went back to them, was raised in a Holiness home, received the holyghost and my adoption is one of my greatest testimonies. God chose Me. He pulled Me out from the world and placed me where He wanted me to be. Like you said, He has all the pieces, and His way is perfect. Hold on to Hope. God loves Crimsyn and He loves you. He will do right by you both.

    With love and prayers,

    Heather Riggins

  7. I have never heard Heather's testimony before - but how beautiful - and sounds just like the God we serve. He has a PERFECT plan. . .we don't know what the plan is, but I'm sure it is perfect. Everytime my mind starts to wander (I think about my children who didn't live - and I think maybe this is worse, because at least I didn't have to worry about whether they were being taken care of - then I think "but what if" He could allow Crimsyn to come back home to you somehow), I remember that in ALL of the desperately hard times in my life, God's plan was BETTER than any imagination I ever had. Heather's testimony was just a reminder - we have a cloud of witnesses around us reminding us of God's faithfulness. Keep that hope and faith in your heart that He will deliver you from the hurt, and deliver Crimsyn from harm. :-) Love you all so much. And whenever I begin to pray, He reminds me that He delivered Resiana when none of us even knew she existed. . .He has a plan.
