The Clark Family

The Clark Family

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Prayer Requested!!!

Well as you know we are to be heading out early monday morning , (Lord willing). We are excitied, nervous,etc... Please pray that we will have a safe trip and that our baby will be healthy. I am sure if I were having this baby I would be a nervous wreck to, but my mind is racing and thinking of a thousands of things that could go wrong , but I know that the Lord is in control and when I can get my head on straight I find great comfort in knowing he will take care of us. We are preparing but not prepared yet, hopefully we will get it all together soon. Thanks to some sweet sisters at church that let me borrow all their childrens clothes,shoes,etc.. I have plenty to do him for awhile. That has taken a burden off of me, because we had Nothing but as usual the Lord has provided. I would think by now I would have completely learned to surrender to the Lord and trust in his almighty power but I find myself trying to fiqure things out on my own and what a mess I make. Trusting the Lord is a learning process for me but what a comfort to know we have him to depend on. Please Please Pray for us because so many things could go wrong and as we all know prayer changes things!!! Thanks, Crystal


  1. As I journey farther down this path (polite way of saying as I get old - LOL) I've started to believe things don't necessarily go "wrong" - God is just handling things differently than we wanted Him to. His ways are perfect, even when we don't realize it at the moment. His timing is exactly right, even when we think it's too quick or bordering on too late! Whatever His plan is, He sends you exactly the amount of grace you need to handle it. He doesn't send more than you need, and He doesn't send it too soon. (I think that may be so that we don't start to "think of ourselves more highly than we ought" LOL) And then He throws in overwhelming blessings and joy as a fringe benefit. :-) Hope everything goes just as you want it to - but if it isn't exactly that way, I'm sure it will be God's perfect way, and you just can't get any better than that!!! Send us LOTS of pictures - so we can all use this box of Kleenex we have sitting at our computers since this wonderful technology allows us to share our joys and our sorrows with each other! Love you all - we'll be praying. :-)
