The Clark Family

The Clark Family

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Praise the Lord we are home, got the call from our attorney at about 6pm this evening and packed up at the hotel and now we are home, the kids were jumping up and down and so was I.. You know you never know how much you appreciate something until you do not have it. We are so thankful and this has been an amazing journey. Sometimes there are bumps in the road but none of that compares to the joy Resiana has brought to our lives and will continue to bring for many years to come.. We look forward to resuming our lives and just being a normal family!!Hope to see you all soon!!


  1. YIPPEEEEEEE WOO-HOOO !!!!!!!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU !!!!! FINALLY !!!! YOU'RE HOME ! NOW RELAX AND ENJOY YOUR NEW LIFE. What does she think of her new home?

  2. I'm so happy y'all are home, I know what it is like to be away for that long and there is nothing like coming back to your own home. I wish y'all the best!
